Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Marriage and Relationship Seminars

Relationships and marriages can be greatly enhanced by attending marriage and relationship workshops, and seminars.

Other workshops and seminars are designed to prevent problems in relationships before the problems begin.

Marriage education workshops are designed to teach practical skills that will enhance marriages or prepare people for a future marriage! Most of us are not born with the knowledge of how to make a marriage work and could benefit from a workshop that provides marriage education.

Some workshops provided are free to anyone who wish to attend. In many workshops, each couple receives manual designed to guide the couple through the workshop as well as provide take home exercises that maximize the benefit received from the marriage education workshop.

Other benefits of relationship and/or marriage workshops are:

* A protected, private environment in which to reconnect with your partner and travel safely into turbulent territory.

*Authentic modeling and candid demonstrations of power struggles and blame games that erupt in every relationship and ways to resolve them lovingly.

Some specific workshop topics often include:
-Creating Joy and Passion Together,

-Deepening Your Love, and

-Sex Pleasure and Intimacy

Sex Pleasure and Intimacy

Most of us would love to feel ecstatically at ease in our bodies, passionate in our lovemaking and close to our partners. Most of us remember a time when sexual relating was a joy. It was not difficult, not something we had to work at. We were alive, awakened to the energy of communicating through our bodies; we were experimental, easily aroused, and we did not worry about whether we were getting enough, how we looked or whether we were “doing it right”. In spite of all the media attention, self help books, better sex videos and our 21st century sexual freedoms, healthy sexuality within a fulfilled relationship still seems to be mysterious and confusing.

Some workshops allow couples to join in an atmosphere of safety and fun to rediscover the sexual, sensual pleasure and passion that exists within each of us. Old myths and belief systems associated with sex, pleasure and intimacy are debunked and couples are helped to find their own personal style of creating sexual pleasure and intimate relating. Couples learn to relax their bodies, finding the fun that inherently exists in all of us as human beings and lovers. Because we have all grown up with so many images, beliefs and expectations about what sexual expression should and should not be, workshop tools and time are often given to explore such topics and then talk honestly with each other. Often times, workshops bring couples together through gentle yoga and meditation, as well as dialogue and ancient rituals of connection to help rekindle passion, rediscover your innate capacity for pleasure, and deepen the intimacy between partners.

During some seminars you will:

Increase the physical, energetic and love connection between you and your partner.

Experience playful and fun ways to relax your bodies so every moment of connection is pleasurable.

Learn to tune into each of your needs for touch, affection, communication and pleasuring.

Understand the bio-physiology of sex, freeing yourself from judgments and anxieties about your sexual differences.

Deepen your communication about your sexual needs, wants, and preferences through a powerful dialogue where you will both be heard and understood.

Explore and release limiting belief systems about sex, pleasure and intimacy.

Create a shared vision of a healthy fulfilled relationship with full expression of your sexual and sensual selves.

Deepen the intimacy between you and your lover by slowing down and nurturing each other.

Gentle excursions into your own inner life where you will discover your aspirations for building a powerful, loving relationship with your partner.

Deepening Your Love

Other workshops and seminars are about opening to love, renewing connection and finding the secret to building trust, respect and intimacy. These workshops generally try to help you successfully transform many of the issues with which all couples struggle: intimacy, communication, conflict, meeting each other's needs, and making time for pleasure. Workshops such as these teach couples:

How to listen to your partner without reacting and interrupting.

How to share your feelings, thoughts and opinions so your partner will want to hear more.

Tools to develop empathy for, and curiosity about each other.

How to turn frustrations into specific requests so your needs can be met.

How lifelong beliefs about relationships create present day, positive or negative experiences, and how changing them can help create your dream partnership.

Easy and safe ways of loving each other through silence, meditation and massage.

Creating Joy and Passion Together

Other workshops and seminars address intimate partners who want more creativity, passion and alive-ness, in their relationship journey together. Increasing or reawakening lost passion in our relationships means taking time for pleasure, appreciation and fun.

A passionate partnership also invites us to be known, and to know our partner at the deepest levels of being, to share honestly about ourselves, and learn to appreciate our differences. This type of workshop helps couples practice skills that will help develop a relationship beyond power struggles. Couples learn how to create soulful connection, fun, the capacity to repair hurts and disagreements. Couples also practice honest communication, intimacy and tenderness, and very importantly, how to incorporate daily appreciation and celebration into life together. In these types of workshops, couples often learn and experience:

Fundamental practices for creating a passionate alive relationship.

Creating a shared vision of your life as a couple.

How to acknowledge the passion of anger and skillfully repair conflict.

Safe dialogue and shared exploration about your sexual relating.

The art of attuning: how giving and receiving can be part of your daily loving.

Nurturing couples massage and gentle partner yoga.

Meditation, silence, and non-verbal ways of deepening your connection.

Celebration and appreciation of yourselves as individuals and as a couple.

Give yourselves the gift of nourishing your relationship; attend a relationship or marriage workshop or seminar near you soon!